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Showing posts from November, 2015

How SSL Tunneling working in the WSO2 ESB

This blog post assumes that the user who reads has some basic understanding of SSL tunneling and the basic message flow of the ESB. If you are not familiar with the concepts of the SSL tunneling you can refer my previous blog post about the SSL tunneling and you can get detail idea about the message flow from this article . I will give brief introduction about the targetHandler for understand concepts easily. As you may already know TargetHandler(TH) is responsible for handling requests and responses for the backend side. It is maintaining status (REQUEST_READY, RESPONSE_READY .. ,etc) based on the events which fired by the IOReactor and executing relevant methods. As the example if a response which is coming from the backend side hits to the ESB, IOReactor fire the responseRecived method in the targetHandler side. Followings are the basic methods contain in the target handler and their responsibilities. Connect: -  This is executed when new outgoing connection needed. ...

What is SSL Tunneling?

You want to be able to access some restricted destinations and/or ports with some applications from your computer but you are on a restricted network (corporate) - Even using a Torrent client. How to overcome this limitation?  What if backend service is secure one? We can use SSL tunneling for overcome above issue. What is the SSL tunneling? SSL tunneling is when an Internal client application requests a web object using HTTPS on port 8080 through the proxy server.  An example of this is when you are using online shopping. The internet connection to the target relevant e-commerce website  is tunneled to by you through proxy server. The key word here is through. The client communicates with the target web server directly after the initial connection has been established by proxy server, by means of communication within the SSL tunnel that has been created after SSL negotiation has taken place. How it's working? The client makes a tunneling...