In this tutorial, we show you how to develop a simple REST web application with Cuubez.
Technologies and Tools used in this article:
- Cuubez 1.0.0
- JDK 1.6
- Tomcat 6.0
- Maven 3.0.3
- Intellij IDEA 13.1.1
Note If you want to know what and how REST works, just search on Google, ton of available resources.
1. Directory Structure
This is the final web project structure of this tutorial.
2. Standard Web Project
Create a standard Maven web project structure
mvn idea:idea
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.cuubez -DartifactId=Employee-example
-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false
Note To support IDEA, use Maven command :mvn idea:idea
3. Project Dependencies
Cuubez is published in Maven repository. To develop cuubez REST application , just declares cuubez-core in Maven pom.xml.
File : pom.xml
4. REST Service
Simple REST service with Cuubez
import com.cuubez.example.entity.Employee;
public class EmployeeResource {
public Employee getEmployee(@PathParam("empId") final String empId) {
Employee employee = new Employee(empId, "jhon powel", "marketing", "No 321, Colombo 4", "+94775993720");
return employee;
5. web.xml
The ContextLoaderListner? context listener has to be deployed in order to create the registry for cuubez ,while the ServiceInitiator? servlet is used so that incoming requests are correctly routed to the appropriate services. We have configured the specific servlet, named cuubez, to intercept requests under the /rest/ path.
File : web.xml
6. Demo
In this example, web request from projectURL/rest/employees will match to EmployeeResource, via @Path("/employees"). And the {empId} from projectURL/rest/employees/{empId} will match to parameter annotated with @PathParam.